The most expensive coffee in the world

The most expensive coffee in the world

The most expensive coffee in the world

The most expensive Computer Game in the World

GTA IV: World's most expensive computer game

Shenmue: 2nd world's most expensive computer game

The most expensive Islands for Sale in the world

Island located in Angro dos Reis Brazil

The property which is 103 acres in size is on the market for 16,500,000 Euros

Another Reason the Panama Market is on Fire.
Isla Iguana is currently priced at 1.5 million dollars

Volcanic Island up for Sale

US Credit Crisis Now Hitting Luxury Real Estate Market

Once priced at US $10M, it could now be yours for just $4.9M

Picnic Island
The island which is on the market for $600,000US  

Melody Key: An Ideal Florida Opportunity 
$10M and is now on the market for $4.9M. 

New Island in Greece on the Market   15M Euros